Playboy 2021/05



Gentlemen’s Weekend: Begleiten Sie uns nach Leogang – in ein Männerwochenende voller Genuss und Action


First Lady: Top-Model Hannah Sprehe

Ein guter Monat für: Whisky-Freunde und Oscar-Fans

15 Fragen an . . . Tom Jones

Männerbar: Zeit für erfrischenden Cider

Männerküche: Schnell kochen mit Steffen Henssler

Wein des Monats: Silvaner Monk 1659 zum Spargel

Stil: Schuhe, die zum Sommer passen

Reise: Geheimtipp Iran – eine Neuentdeckung

Die Reise meines Lebens: Der Kabarettist Severin Groebner suchte das Abenteuer auf Schienen

Motor: Mokkae, der zweite Strom-Opel

Pro & Contra: Der Kampfbegriff „Alte weiße Männer“

Playboy-Umfrage des Monats: Wer sind die wahren Freunde des Mannes?

Streitschrift: Digitale Dummheit und Opportunismus – die zwei größten Feinde unserer Demokratie


Jürgen Todenhöfer: Der Ex-CDU-Mann, Friedensaktivist und Neu-Parteigründer über unfähige Berufspolitiker, grüne Verdummung und Krisenversager

Schwarze Nationalspieler: Jimmy Hartwig, Gerald Asamoah und Steffi Jones über Rassismus im Fußball und im Alltag und wie wir dagegen vorgehen können


Zombie-Stoff Tilidin: Wie die Kriminellen-Droge zur gefährlichen Mode und mehr wurde – ein Dealer, ein Opfer, ein Experte und zwei Ermittler packen aus


Cabrio-Saison: Die sieben coolsten Open-Air-Autos für 2021 – vom Supersportler bis zur Universalkutsche

Mein Schlitten: Oliver Beuchel und ein Oldsmobile


Schauspielerin und Curvy-Model Hayley Hasselhoff macht Lust auf Verführungskünste, frei von altmodischen Konventionen


Playmate: Unsere Miss Mai, Taylor Chantal Brumann, überstrahlt die Sonne Ibizas

Blende Sechs: Fotograf Jeean Alvarez zeigt seine Liebe zu Naturschönheiten


Düfte: Weltneuheiten und neue Welten

Mode: Sonnenbrillen zum Besser(aus)sehen


Endlich Sohn: Unser Autor rettet eine Beziehung, die es nie gab – die zu seinem Vater

Tagebuch einer Verführerin: Sexkolumnistin Sophie Andresky will keinen Sport im Bett

Sex-Manager: Stefan Eiben hilft bei Affären und anderen Geheimnissen. Ein Aufklärungsgespräch


T. C. Boyle: Der US-Literatur-Star über kluge Affen, Voodoo und Sex-Verzicht zur Rettung der Erde

Literatur, Musik & Oscar-Kandidatenfilme:
Das Beste des Monats

  • Editorial
  • Making-of
  • Leserbriefe
  • Berater
  • Witze
  • Cartoon
  • Impressum
  • Bezugsquellen
  • Playboy Classic

Actress and curvy model Hayley Hasselhoff opens the eyes of both women and men with her erotic nudes: for beauty and sex that need neither fixed rules nor specific measurements. What a liberation!

Playboy Germany: Ms. Hasselhoff, thank you for these beautiful photos! You've been modeling since you were a teenager, had you ever done any nude shots before our shoot?

Hayley Hasselhoff: I have not! I wouldn’t have shot this intimate just for anyone, I can tell you that. It all came about at the right moment. There would have been no one I would have rather wanted to create art with than Playboy and Ellen (von Unwerth, editor's note). I put my trust in knowing I was in great hands.
Your trust honors us. What do you associate with Playboy?

To grow up in LA and be circled around the Hollywood legend of Playboy. I feel honored to have been asked to join the family. I can only hope that this is just the beginning in collaborating with Playboy. Playboy to me is fun, sensual and empowering. Playboy highlights the power of women: feminine, sexy, strong and brave women who aren’t afraid to show their love towards their bodies. It is an empowering choice when a woman decides to show herself in such a way.

Do you want to encourage other women?

Exactly: I want to share with women that no matter what shape or size - you can and should feel sexy for yourself. I feel honored to have been asked to be the first curve model on the cover of Playboy Germany. I knew once I was asked to be the first curve model on the cover, that it would be for a greater purpose than just myself. It is a step forward for inclusivity and empowerment for curvier women to be represented. I want to express that women have the power to love their bodies without hesitation because of society standards of beauty. This is for all the curvier women out there who may have ever questioned their bodies or desire because of their size. You are worthy, you are wanted, you are loved! I am proud how far we have come in the curve movement with this cover.
How did make you feel to be naked in front of the camera?

Enlightened, empowered, sexy, silly and free. Ellen chose the location: Aux Belles Poules, a former brothel in Paris which was built in 1904. The building is completely restored and really unassuming from the outside. But on the inside, it is a true masterpiece of Art Deco. A real representation of playful romance. There was this sense of old Hollywood glamour, with like Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Dolly Parton. We brought a description on how sexy elegance should be portrayed. A woman who is strong willed, gets what she wants but with a playful demeanor.
You are also an actress like your parents Pamela Bach and David Hasselhoff. What was it like growing up in the spotlight with these celebrity parents?

loved being able to go to set and see adults do what they love for a profession. Thanks to my parents I learned so much about the industry at such a young age that it allowed me to truly know if this is what I wanted to follow or do as my career. When I was 17 years old, I had my first leading role on the show „Huge“. The downfall of growing up in the public eye is feeling like life’s simple moments are never private. We grew up where a microscope was always on us.

Did you talk to your parents in advance about the shoot?

Yes, with both of them. But I approached discussing the cover with both of them very differently. With my mother, I discussed how this is a triumph for myself, my relationship with my body and the bigger movement for curve women.
And what did your father David say about the shoot?

My father has said he is very proud of me for opening doors by being the first curve model on the cover of Playboy Germany. He is very supportive of me and says this is a great way forward.

Happy Hayley

Hayley Hasselhoff, born in Los Angeles on August 26, 1992, the second daughter of actress Pamela Bach and "Baywatch" star David Hasselhoff (photo below), appeared in front of the camera for small roles as a child: in her mother's film "The Love of a Dog" and in a "Baywatch" episode. Bullied at school for her looks, she went on the offensive at the age of 14 and became a curvy model, three years later she played her first leading role in the TV series "Huge". Today she is a sought-after plus-size model, campaigns for more diversity and lives in the UK and Los Angeles.